Privacy Policy | Elysium Real Estate Investments

Privacy Policy - Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC

Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC maintains full ownership over all content that appears on this Site which includes elements such as copyright material; logos; media; graphics; video etc., This content usage permission shall only be granted explicitly in writing from relevant authorities at Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC. The following activities are strictly prohibited on this Website: violation of applicable law or regulation; infringement upon the rights of third parties including but not limited intellectual property rights, privacy rights and contractual obligations; unlawful purposes; harming individuals or recognized entities in any manner; disrupting proper operation of the website; uploading content containing material that violates existing law principles including defamation issues.

Links present on the Website leading to other webpages or resources serve as a means of convenience for users but Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC harbors no control over them and they do not fall under these Terms.

It is advisable that visitors examine each website’s privacy policy prior to use so as to ensure that their data will be used appropriately.

The information we obtain from visitors on this platform is subject to our Privacy Policy which must be agreed upon before accessing this site. All materials and services offered through the site come with no expressed warranty whatsoever whether in regards to its suitability for all members or infringement-free products. In matters regarding the website’s availability and usage exemption as well as the website’s authentication and reliability whether on grounds of timeliness or security of results following utilization; no warranties whatsoever are made by Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC concerning all information contained therein.

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Losses that may accrue resulting from the use and results of using this site will not be held against them since services includes but are not restricted to cyber infections maybe caused presently affecting various software/hardware/networks which may cause intermittent/lack/failure in the proper functioning thereby jeopardizing regular functionality altering normalcy/delaying information processing. These terms are legally binding agreements that hold exclusive interpretation under the state of Texas law.

Any dispute resulting from conflicts between parties concerning said agreement will require litigation solely through either Harris County’s Court of Common Pleas or Texas U.S. District Courts. Should there be a violation consistent with our policies observed by Elysium Real Estate Investments LLC upon you, Elysium Real Estate Investments may at its own discretion restrict access further towards our website.

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